We were on the road early as we had a big ride. The aim was to get as far past Tulsa as we could and as close to Oklahoma City as time would allow. The Old Route was still well sign posted as we crossed from Missouri into Kansas into Oklahoma.
The shot above is Main Street Galaena, Kansas. A bleak, run down little place that still eeks out a living for the locals somehow. Truth be known life is probably very simple, and because of that, not too bad. The kids playing in the street looked happy and waved cheerfully. The next town was completely different. Still small town USA but clean, vibrant and proudly displaying the flag.
We flew through Tulsa too quickly to get a true sense of the place. It was rush hour and hot. Outwardly it looked very nice sitting on the banks of the huge Arkansas River. We did find Route 66 Harley in Tulsa though - sarah's bike lost the bolt attaching her seat to the guard so we c alled in and replaced the bolt. More T shirts!
We pushed on to Stroud where we called it a day. This was our last night on the road. Tomorrow we head for Dallas and then home. We brought some beer and sat outside listening to the stereo on my Harley. It was a warm evening and people gravitated over to us and began talking. We met some more very interesting Americans. The last one we spoke to was Richard, a Vietnam veteran who (like most of the people we speak to) want to talk about our adventure and their own. 
This was a beautiful night and we didn't want it to end. We stayed outside until quite late and I probably had a bit more to drink than I care to admit. I am going to miss this place.
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