Thursday, July 1, 2010

Bowling Green to the Home of Harley (Milwaukee)

I am giving CL the night off from blogging. Lovely start to the day - left Kentucky under clear, blue skies with a warm breeze and little traffic - en route to Milwaukee via Louisville and Indianapolis ...... however, y'all have to take our word for it as we've little photographic evidence to show for it ... i.e. bring on the thunder storms ! Not such a good idea to finsd yourselves in zero visability on an open Indiana plain where the only options for escaping the trucks on the 3-lane interstate and taking cover from forked lightening is a rather soggy horse or a wind turbin (neither of which would be recommended). However, as with all inclement weather we've seen to date, extremely violent and buckets of water but short lived. The wind farms (when the wind is the dominant climatic condition) were quite staggering though - acres of huge turbines that would seriously put the Palmy Hills to shame - would never get an RMA consent given there's quazillions of them but definately a move towards establishing some durable energy supplies (nobody mention B.P.!!).  And the day could only improve from there ? Hmmm, take note: Gary, Indiana is not a quaint small town south of Chicago, and it is also not recommended as a short cut route north from Indiana through to Milwaukee (despite the fact that "Bindy" our trusty GPS considered it the most direct and appropriate route). It is also not recommended to choose late Sunday afternoon if you want to circuit around Chicago ... UGH! 25 miles of first gear grid lock just to get across the outskirts of town. That said, interesting locals and shiny-wheeled, self-elevating vehicles abounded and gave fodder for a fairly adventurous social studies exercise. Never the mind - two hours and 100 degrees later we arrive in the home of Harley and as luck would have it, on the week of Summerfest - humungous week long music festival on the shores of Lake Michigan, just in case we needed something to finish the day off after a day wandering the hallowed halls of the Harley museum and archives. 

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